“Are There More Wheels or Doors?” By Ella Lowry and Kailey Nicholas

Does the world have more wheels or doors? This philosophical question was asked by Ryan Nixon, a resident of Auckland, New Zealand, on Twitter in March 5th of this year. The tweet quickly went viral, with thousands of Twitter users responding to the poll. Users also debated among themselves. “Team Doors” argues that doors are ubiquitous because they are everywhere: in bathrooms, offices, and, even attached to cabinets. While, “Team Wheels” argues that wheels are on everything from large trucks, bikes, and, wheelchairs. 

This viral debate became a big topic at Saint John’s. To decipher what the student body and faculty members thought, a poll was sent around asking the question, “Are there more doors or wheels in the world?” When polling, the majority of the school was asked, but not all. The comments received showed that people had interesting points of view about their choice. For example, some students that were Team Doors talked about cruise ships and how many doors they have. Others on Team Wheels brought up Legos and Hot Wheels production.  

After calculating the results it turns out that SJCP is Team Wheels!  

Team Wheels dominated, with 78% of the vote, leaving Team Doors with 22%. So next time someone asks, SJCP is Team Wheels! Overall, this experiment was great and it was interesting to listen to students’ viewpoints. What a fun and interesting debate!  

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